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Free Flow Jotting

When you want to type free flow, Constella has the jotting pad for you.


Just click the jotting pad icon on the top right of the screen.

Jotting Pad Button

Jotting View

Here, similar to document based editors, you can type away free flow.

Jotting View

This is good for just when you want to type and let your thoughts out. Or, if you just want to jot something down to remember for later on this date.

Feel free to use it as you see fit of course.

Seeing notes appear on graph

When you are writing something, the graph view will surface related notes (if any) based on the current paragraph you are typing.

If you see in the screenshot above, notes related to Joe Bode appeared, and it creates interesting inspiration and realizations at times.

Dragging and dropping connections onto the graph

What if you want to save something from your writing? Paragraphs have drag handles, and you can drag and drop them onto the graph view to save for later.

Drag and Drop

This is super useful as you are able to write notes rapidly in the jotting view and then if anything important does come up, you can then drag and drop it for later without the fear of losing out by using a document based editor.

Changing the date

You can change the date of the note and use this to keep track of notes on different days.

Changing the date

This is great for reviewing your past notes (useful for journaling too!).


If you want to set a reminder for yourself on a date, jump to that date using the calendar and write something for yourself.