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How is all my data stored?

For the desktop apps, all your data is stored completely locally on your machine. For those who enable cloud syncing for seamless access across devices as well as to backup data, your data is stored encrypted on a specialized, isolated bucket for you.

Only you can see your data, and no one else can.

Where is my data locally?:

If you are on a Mac, your files are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Constella/Data.

If you are on Windows, your files are in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\constella-app\Cache

How do I get my files as markdown?

You can go to the gear in the top right, then Account, and then hit Export Data.

This way you have full ownership over your data.

Does Stella have access to my data?

Nope! Only the notes you give to Stella are the ones tunnelled securely to the cloud and then are immediately deleted. If you ask Stella a question, she will only use the current view you have open or the search you ask her to do using {{ }}.

In fact, for even greater privacy, Stella doesn't use OpenAI or other models that store your data.