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Constella API Documentation

Welcome to the Constella API! Here you can programmatically insert new notes into your Constella workspace or search existing notes using AI-powered semantic search.

Use this API to build on top of your interconnected workspace.

Base URL

All endpoints described below should be prefixed with the base URL:

So, for example, an endpoint might look like:



Every request requires an API key sent via the request header x_access_key.

  1. Obtain your API key by:

    • Opening the Constella desktop app
    • Clicking the gear icon in the top right
    • Navigating to Account > Connect
    • Creating an API Key under Zapier / API
  2. Use this API key in the x_access_key header for all endpoints below.


1. Insert Note

Create a new note in your Constella workspace programmatically.


POST /constella-external-api/insert-note

Required Header

x_access_key: YOUR_API_KEY

Request Body

titlestringyesThe title of the note you want to insert
contentstringnoThe content/body of the note

Example Request

"title": "My First External Note",
"content": "This note was inserted via the API!"

Successful Response

"success": true

2. Search Notes

Search through your existing notes using a semantic vector search. This uses AI embeddings to find the notes most relevant to your query.


POST /constella-external-api/search-notes

Required Header

x_access_key: YOUR_API_KEY

Request Body

querystringyes-The text to search against your Constella notes
results_countintegerno10Maximum number of results to return
similarity_strengthfloatno0.5A value (typically between 0.0 and 1.0) that determines how similar a note must be to the query to be considered relevant
output_typestringno"list"Determines the format of the response. Possible values: "list" or "text"

Example Request (List Format)

"query": "meeting notes",
"results_count": 5,
"similarity_strength": 0.7,
"output_type": "list"

Example Request (Text Format)

"query": "project ideas",
"results_count": 3,
"similarity_strength": 0.8,
"output_type": "text"

Successful Response (List Format)

"results": [
"id": "1111-2222-3333-4444",
"title": "Q1 Meeting Notes",
"content": "Notes from Q1 planning session...",
"tags": [
"name": "meeting",
"color": "#12B886",
"id": "tag-0001"
"id": "5555-6666-7777-8888",
"title": "Another Meeting Note",
"content": "Some follow-up tasks from the last meeting...",
"tags": []

Response fields:

  • results: An array of notes matching the query
  • id: The note's unique ID in Constella
  • title: The note title
  • content: The text content of the note
  • tags: An array of tags associated with the note, containing:
    • name: The tag's name
    • color: The display color for the tag
    • id: The tag's unique ID

Successful Response (Text Format)

"results": "Title: Q1 Meeting Notes\nContent: Notes from Q1 planning session...\nTags: meeting\nId: 1111-2222-3333-4444\n\nTitle: Another Meeting Note\nContent: Some follow-up tasks...\nTags: \nId: 5555-6666-7777-8888\n\n"

Error Responses

You may receive:

  • 401 or 403 HTTP error if:
    • Your API key is missing or invalid
    • Your subscription/account does not have permission
  • 500 HTTP error for general server errors

Example Usage

Insert a Note

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'x_access_key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"title": "My First External Note",
"content": "This note was inserted via the API!"

Example Response:

"success": true

Search Notes

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'x_access_key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"query": "project ideas",
"results_count": 3,
"similarity_strength": 0.8,
"output_type": "list"

Example Response:

"results": [
"id": "abcdef-12345",
"title": "Project Idea 1",
"content": "We should explore building an AI-based solution...",
"tags": []
"id": "abcdef-67890",
"title": "Future Projects",
"content": "Brainstorming session on next-gen ideas...",
"tags": []

That's it! You're all set to create and search notes with Constella's external API. Happy building!